
quantum chaos中文什么意思

发音:   用"quantum chaos"造句
  • 量子混沌
  • chaos:    n. 1.〔常 C-〕(天地未出现的)浑沌世界。 2.混乱。 3.〔古语〕无底深渊。
  • chaos chaos:    大变形虫; 伦敦工商协会; 无序
  • quantum:    n. (pl. -ta ) 1.量,额;定量,定额;份;总量。 2.【物理学】量子。 have one's quantum of 充分尝到…,充分得到…。 quantum libet 随意量〔略 quant. lib. 或 q.l., 药方用语〕;随意。 quantum meruit 按照劳力价值。 quantum placet =quantum libet 〔略 q.p.〕。 quantum sufficit 足量〔略 quant. suff. 或 q.s., 药方用语〕;充足的份量,尽量。
  • a chaos of flowers:    华之乱
  • a state of chaos:    纷乱的局面
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. the origin of the quantum chaos come from the consideration of the quantum counterpart of dynamical chaos in classical mechanics
  2. recently, along with the fast development of experiment technology, there are some experiment about the quantum chaos in the condensed-matter systems
  3. some aspects of quantum chaos in a finite system had been studied based on the analysis of statistical behaviors of quantum spectra in heavy and superheavy nuclei
  4. when observing energy level of a chaotic system changing with one of the parameter, there are many avoided crossing, which possibly is an important sign of quantum chaos
  5. quantum chaos as a new dynamical phenomenon, which appeared in the 1970's, is a new research field of the quantum mechanics, but up to the present, it is a controversial topic




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